View Profile Gulible
I once wrestled a bear... didn't win, excruciatingly painful.

Age 30, Male

Lv.0 Artist

Socialist America

Joined on 5/4/08

Exp Points:
1,450 / 1,600
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5.41 votes
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Gulible's News

Posted by Gulible - May 23rd, 2009

So what?!

Posted by Gulible - May 11th, 2009

The number of the month is 21 and thw letter of the month is F. anyway here is another drawing that i drew and i know the look slightly like the other on but meh. Also the guy in the mirror who shot me a dirty look has a gun what do i do?

A new month!

Posted by Gulible - May 11th, 2009

a dirty look by some guy in a mirror.

Posted by Gulible - May 5th, 2009

is a brand old repeatble day.

Posted by Gulible - April 18th, 2009

The number of the week is 420 and of course the letter of the week is W. Here now is a picture i drew to keep people slightly entertained. have a slightly nice day.

Another week...

Posted by Gulible - April 12th, 2009

Nothing New...i dont really wanna post anything so the letter of the week is F
and the number of the week is 21

New Post...

Posted by Gulible - April 10th, 2009

awesome sight for those who miss thier tv shows.You sould check it out..In other news i jost found out how awesome the cuttlefish is! it is the chameleon of the sea! any way...the letter of the the day is A and the number of the day is 14.

Posted by Gulible - April 6th, 2009

I forgot...

Posted by Gulible - April 4th, 2009

I've been listening to music and thought, "wow the live version sounds better." that being said, are there any songs that sound better live or look better live? i'll tell you mine maybe.

Posted by Gulible - March 8th, 2009

When pokemon appear in the wild. Goog by raccoon hello zigzagoon! Goodbye mimes hello mr.mime.
And whatever else fits. goodbye strappons hello diglett or dugtrio.